Thursday, October 27, 2016

Trump/Stein -- Stronger Together ||| @DrJillStein 4 @realDonaldTrump

Although Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein claims to represent the Left in this election, and Republican Donald Trump is the candidate of the Atl-Right white nationalists, they show surprising unity across the political spectrum.

They both are claiming that the election is rigged:
She uses the logic of "If people can barely see their options on TV [distorted media], then the election is rigged" to agree with Trump without appearing to do so. Clearly she thinks she should have gotten more TV time, even if she did slide in the polls [from 4% to 2%] with each exposure.
Naturally, Trump brings his racism into his reasons he thinks this is a rigged election. That why he speaks of "many polling places." Stein may not subscribe to this aspect of the "rigged election" meme, but her tweets don't reflect that.

They both parrot Putin's line that electing Clinton will start WWIII.

They both do Putin's saber-rattling for him:
Both support Putin's preference for Donald Trump as the next president of the United States:
Both Putin and Assad say the US is behind ISIS, Trump and Stein are more specific. They both blame Clinton:
They are both big users of the stolen emails distributed by WikiLeaks:

17 October, they both say Wikileaks has proven that Hillary Clinton should be in prison:

You can also hear her shouting "Lock her up" with the rest of the pro-Trump mob.

They are both more than happy to use the hacked emails just the way Putin and Assange would want, as a partisan tool to get Donald Trump elected:

Donald Trump and Jill Stein have been together for years, for example after Bashar al Assad killed over 1400 Syrians with sarin, and it looked like Barack Obama might actually carry out this red-line promise, they both came to Assad's defense:

Don't attack Syria

Since Dr. Jill Stein protested in front of Assad's flag in September 2013, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been murdered by those marching behind it. Those deaths she has not protested.

As you can see, Jill Stein has had a lot in common with Donald Trump for a long time. This year she has become the Green Party presidential candidate so she can protect his left flank, that is draw progressive votes that might otherwise count towards keeping the Atl-Right gang out of the White House. Since she got only 0.38% of the vote in 2012 after showing 4% in the pre-election polls she knows she won't even get to the 5% necessary to get gov't money let alone win the presidency. Only thing she is going this year is driving voters away from the Left and helping to elect Donald Trump president.

My other recent posts relating to this unique election cycle:
Will Wikileaks "salt" the Clinton-Podesta emails before the election?
Trump Super Predator behavior is Workplace Sexual Harassment writ large
Is US Green Party's Jill Stein a holocaust denier?
Jill Stein now claiming Donald Trump is less of two evils
Did Dishonest Jill Stein change her Syria statement on the sly?
Republican support for Green Party @DrJillStein is emerging
Why "Jill not Hill" is a pro-Trump slogan
Donald Trump can only win if Jill Stein stays in

Syria is the Paris Commune of the 21st Century!

Click here for a list of my other blogs on Syria

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