Friday, August 9, 2013

Why do they keep digging up & reburying these kids?

This Monday, 05 August 2013, the Iranian FAR News Agency published what looked to be the picture of some of the 120 children it said were slaughtered by the rebels fighting to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria.

That same day I showed that this image had been used in photo essay titled "Children of the Drones" in July 2012 and its use to prove a massacre in Syria was completely fraudulent.

Upon further web research, I have discovered that these children may have died more deaths, and in more places, than possibly any other children in history. I still haven't found who they really are or how they really died, but I did find this to be a very popular image with the, shall we say, "news makers" on the Internet. [date links to original]

24 July 2013 | We Planet has them killed by an Obama drone strike.

19 March 2013 | Viva Libya has then killed by NATO in Libya.

They can't claim the same children were killed by NATO in Libya and by jhadists in Syria. Maybe they need something like a "fabrication central" to insure their uses of fake images doesn't conflict. It gets embarrassing, know what I mean?

14 Feb 2013 | Cassandra Club also has them dying in Afghanistan.

22 Oct 2012 | the Human Rights Council of Iran, a state institution, used them to represent children killed by the US in Afghanistan or Pakistan. This is truly embarrassing because the current claims that these children were killed in Syria by Assad's opposition has also come primarily from Iranian sources.

1 Nov 2012 | EJC - Online Journalism Community also has them killed in Afghanistan.

Nov 2012 | SOS Libya has them killed in Libya by NATO bombs.

21 Oct 2012 | JAMNEWS also says they were killed by the US in Afghanistan

16 March 2012 | Stephen Lendman, the People's Voice used them to illustrate the 16 Afghans massacred 11 March.

29 Nov 2011 | Club China has them dying of a NATO strike in Pakistan.

23 June 2011 |Above Top Secret has them killed by NATO in Libya.

23 April 2011 | RAWA has them killed in a recent drone strike in Afghanistan.
This image shows a modify time of Sat 23 Apr 2011 07:44:35 PM PDT

26 March 2011 | FAIR identifies the picture as "Afghan children killed in the Afghan war (note: NOT from the March 1, 2011 U.S./NATO attack)"

6 March 2011 | Kathy Kelly Pulse Media

This is the earliest use of this image I have found, most likely these kids are Afghan drone victims of America's longest war but their true identity and the origins of this picture remain a mystery to me. If you know better, please leave a comment.

Click here for a list of my other blogs on Syria

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