Tuesday, August 28, 2018

More on Russian promotion of white supremacy worldwide & Trump's SA Tweet

On Friday, I published Was Trump trolling Putin trash with his tweet on South Africa? in which I placed Trump's tweet about "the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers," in the context of the recent Russian-led "white genocide" South Africa meme. I have also written recently about Russia's leadership of the worldwide white supremacist movement in Why didn't Democracy Now disclose Russian ties to racist Charlottesville rally?, and Rev. Dr. William Barber II, please remove your name from this apology for the Trump-Putin white supremacy project.

The US white-Left has played a supporting role in Putin's promotion of white supremacy in the United States. Trump could never had been elected without their backhanded support. I wrote about this in The white-Left Part 1: The two meanings of white and The white-Left Part 2: Why that is the best name for it

In Friday's piece on Russia's work in spreading the white supremacist myth of "white genocide" in South Africa, I focused exclusively on the racist propaganda coming out of the Russia media outlet RT and its affiliates. I fear that the Putin mouthpiece Sputnik was neglected, even though it has been even more prolific in promoting this racist meme than RT. But first, a related video:

This Russian news item reported on an advanced contingent of Afrikaners welcomed to Russia, It was posted to YouTube by Russia Insight with subtitles, 7 July 2018:

Russia Welcomes Afrikaners: 15000 Boers Plan To Move To Russia From South Africa

Adi Slebus: "It's a matter of life and death - there are attacks on us. It's got to the point where the politicians are stirring up a wave of violence."
And now, here is the Sputnik collection. I can't claim this is comprehensive as I keep finding more, and I still have to report to my day job tomorrow. Perhaps some paid journalist could look into this. I still haven't seen another piece place Trump's tweet in its larger context. None have mentioned either the new racist propaganda film on that subject, Farmlands, [ Which no one I asked about it at the Left Coast Forum had even heard of it, including Greg Palast, even though it had 1.5 million YouTube views on Friday, and has added another 100K views in the four days since.] or the Russian offer to resettle white South African farmers. Maybe they should do their day job, so I can lay on the beach in my time off.

This appears to be the piece that kicked off this campaign:

3 March 2018 What Do People Say About Future Confiscation of White Farmers' Land in S Africa?
The South African parliament has adopted the motion to change the country’s constitution in order to pave the way for a planned confiscation of white-owned land without compensation.
This was right after Jacob Zuma had been ousted as president of South Africa in February 2018. His successor, Cyril Ramaphosa, ran on a platform of land reform, and now he was starting to implement it. The Russian campaign for Trump's tweet began with this very first article:

White farmers are being slaughtered and now the South African government is coming for their land.

Where are you, @realDonaldTrump?

RETWEET so POTUS acts. https://t.co/UnhjOXN0iH

— Based Monitored 🇺🇸🇮🇪 (@BasedMonitored) 28 февраля 2018 г.
6 March 2018 Ex-Israeli Spec Ops Soldier Trains S Africa's White Farmers to Defend Themselves
Even as the South African government attempts to ease the situation by promising to redistribute land to the black population, the number of assaults on white farmers is continuing to grow.
7 March 2018 Seizure of White Farmers' Land in S Africa 'Severe Infringement on Human Rights'
Sputnik has discussed this issue with Kallie Kriel, the CEO of AfriForum.
Al Jazeera described AfriForum as "the fascist organisation that toured the US and the UK earlier this year in a bid to call attention to what it calls "the plight" of white farmers." The organization claims that it "played a role" in Trump's tweet.

8 May 2018 139 S Africa Farms May Be Taken From White Owners Without Compensation - Reports
South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) has targeted 139 farms that they plan to expropriate without compensation in the coming weeks.
This Spring expropriation never happened. This was Russian fear mongering.

16 May 2018 In South Africa White Farmers Reportedly Arm Themselves Amid New Murders, Attacks
The recent murder of an elderly white couple in South Africa has triggered another round of debates of violence against white land owners. According to the South African Crime Intelligence & Community Awareness page, Coleen Engelbrecht was strangled with an iron cord, while the intruders cut her husband’s throat. The killing has become another episode in a wave in brutal farm attacks in rural areas.
This is the same technique use by "Farmlands." South Africa has a very high crime rate, so they focus on cases of brutal bandistry by black criminals on white farmers, and imply a government supported program of "white genocide."

17 May 2018 S Africa Facing Crisis Regarding Violence in Attacks on White Farmers – Activist
Locals are taking up arms to protect their property in South Africa amid a wave of murders and attacks on white farmers. The AfriForum civil rights group has shared its view on the reasons in an interview with Radio Sputnik.
They really like this racist "civil rights" group.

20 May 2018 Attacks on White Farmers in S Africa: Expert Explains How Gov't May Protect Them
The splash of violence has triggered uproar on social media, with many users blaming the authorities for turning a blind eye to racial murders.
Radio Sputnik discussed this with Paul Toohey, chief reporter for the News Corp Australia Network and author of the report "Silent slaughter: South Africa's farmers being attacked, forced from land".
7 July 2018
"A Matter of Survival": South African Farmers Consider Moving to Russia (PHOTOS)

Several members of South Africa’s white Boer and Afrikaner minorities are entertaining the possibility of moving to southern Russia. But it’s not only the local fertile land, which they say was “created by God for farming,” that attracts them – they are certain that it may be a matter of survival.

It was a long trip for the Schlebusch family. They’ve been preparing for this journey for over a year – making presentations, writing emails and a memorandum to their friends in Russia – a distant country on another continent, where they’ve never been before, but which they like for its traditions and support of traditional Christian values. More...
28 July 2018 System of 'Ethnic Domination' in South Africa Has to be Changed - Activist
Members of South Africa's white Boer and Afrikaner minorities are calling for help, saying that they have no place in today's "Rainbow country." Sputnik interviewed Dan Roodt – an activist who has traveled to many world capitals in an attempt to attract attention to their plight.

Dan Roodt retweeted this. Ann Coulter is a regular contributor to Tucker Carlson's racist blog, The Daily Caller. He also retweets Peter Brimelow. [See condition to Kudlow below.]

1 August 2018 S Africa to Legalize Land Seizure From White Farmers by Changing Constitution
Land ownership has been a major irritant in South Africa, whose post-apartheid governments have been trying to take fertile land away from white farmers and hand it over to black owners. Around 10 percent of land in white ownership has been redistributed since.

3 August 2018 Land Grab Targeting White Farmers Won't Make S Africa '2nd Zimbabwe'

5 August 2018 139 S Africa Farms May Be Taken From White Owners Without Compensation - Reports

11 August 2018
South Africa Vows to Avoid Zimbabwe-Style Land Grabs Targeting White Farmers

The South African government's announcement last week that the constitution would be amended to allow for the expropriation of land, the vast majority of which is held by white South Africans, without compensation, has led to fears that the country will erupt in violence almost a quarter of a century after the formal end of apartheid.

South Africa's markets and its national currency – the rand – have stumbled this week after the country's president confirmed in a television address that section 25 of the country's constitution, which deals with property issues, will be amended to allow the state to redistribute land without paying for it. More...
16 August 2018 S. Africa's Gov't May Seize 195 Farms From White Owners – Reports
AfriForum, a lobby group which mainly represents white South Africans, says it has obtained a list of 195 farms which the government plans to seize.
The government’s land redistribution plans are seen by many investors as a breach of property rights.
19 August 2018 White Farmers 'Panicking', Put Their Land up For Sale in South Africa – Reports
"They are confused about the lack of any apparent strategy from the government and many are panicking. So many farms are up for sale, more than we've ever had, but no one is buying."
20 August 2018 'ANC Has Not Paid Sufficient Attention to Land Reforms for 20 Years' – Professor

After Trump's tweet, they really got busy making the most of it:

23 August 2018 South African Government Slams Trump for Remark on Land Reform in Country

23 August 2018 S Africa Attacks Trump as US President Takes on Controversial 'Land Grab' Issue
The long-term problem of land expropriation from white farmers in South Africa took a new turn after US President Donald Trump entered the fray, drawing discontent from the African nation’s government.
23 August 2018 Trump Has No Africa Policy, Tries to Hide It Attacking S Africa - Ex-US Envoy

23 August 2018 South Africa Summons US Charge D'Affaires Over Trump's Tweet - Reports

24 August 2018 'Wrong Path': DoS Comments on Possible Consequences of South African Land Reform
The government of South Africa risks going down the wrong path if it continues land expropriation without compensation, US Department of State spokesperson Heather Nauert said in a press briefing.
24 August 2018 ‘Playing With Dynamite’: Trump Stokes Racial Tensions in South Africa
US President Donald Trump has become the latest international leader to express solidarity with the white farmers.
Peter Dutton, then Australia's minister of home affairs, was the only other "world leader" they mentioned, however they did quote Gerald Horne, professor of history at the University of Houston:
"So we see that there's a kind of ‘White International' erupting, a white reactionary international, which I dare say also carries the seeds of fascism, particularly given the unsettled history in South Africa. Where by the way, the European invasion commenced in 1652, as opposed to the 1890s in Zimbabwe — once Rhodesia — which suggests that the roots of white supremacy and racism are much deeper in South Africa."
24 August 2018 Trump's Tweet on Land Reform 'Serves Only to Polarize Debate'

LATE BREAKING: Trump attacks Google!

When Putin wanted his own "Fox News" for Russia, he got his chief financial backer, Russian billionaire Konstantin Malofeev, to fund it; his ideological mentor Aleksandr Dugin, to run it; and former Fox News founding productor and Sean Hannity producer, Jack Hanick to create it. On the other hand, Trump wants the kind of control over all media that Putin enjoys in Russia. In his continuing efforts to achieve this in the United States he is going after Google:
He has put his white supremacist economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, on the job. A few hours after Trump's tweets, Kudlow said the Trump administration is "taking a look" at imposing regulations on Google. Kudlow has come a long ways from his Students for a Democratic Society [SDS], antiwar organizer days. Last week Larry Kudlow hosted neo-Nazi Peter Brimelow as a guest at Ludlow's home for Ludlow's birthday party. Brimelow founded the white supremacist site VDare almost 20 years ago. Most recently Brimelow has come out in support of Trump on South Africa, writing in VDare:
President Donald J. Trump has finally addresssed the plight of white farmers in South Africa, to the outrage of the Main Stream Media, which had NOT GIVEN PERMISSION for this story to be told.
VDare has been pushing this South African "white genocide" nonsense since at least March, [when the Russia effort also apparently started] with articles like, Congress Passed Lautenberg Amendment To Rescue Soviet Jews—Why Not For White South Africans? (But Trump Can Take Executive Action NOW), 12 March 2018. In support of Trump's white supremacist South Africa policy, it reprinted a piece Brimelow wrote in support of white-rule Rhodesia back in 1979. They still celebrate Rhodesia, as did Dylann Roof and many other latter-day klansmen.

After Robert Costa in the Washington Post, broken the news about Kudlow's dinner guest, he claimed not to be aware of Brimelow's views. This is hard to believe because just the day before the birthday bash, a White House speechwriter was dismissed on the news that he had spoken next to Brimelow on a 2016 panel. Brimelow has been a guest at Kudlow birthday parties for years, Brimelow, for his part says "I've known Larry for nearly four decades and like him." Therefore I think it is safe to conclude that our white supremacist president has put one of his white supremacist underlings to the task of bringing Google to heel. If they succeed, we are all in very big trouble, and I will definitely have trouble researching articles like this. I fear that is the ultimate point.

MSNBC is saying that this Google meme also originated in Moscow.

More, later....

Syria is the Paris Commune of the 21st Century!

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