Friday, June 1, 2018

Maxine Waters' white supremacist opponent exposed!

President Donald Trump didn't just fail to condemn the extreme racism we all saw on display in Charlottesville, VA last summer, he is trying to bring people like that into the US government. One of the ways he and his cabal are doing that is by promoting people whose racist views aren't that well known, and then passing them off as ordinary conservatives. He is rapidly appointing many of these to all levels of the federal government. They are trying to get others elected to office as vanilla Republicans, now that the GOP has largely been taken over by racists. Think of Congressman Steve Scalise, who sold himself as "David Duke without the baggage."

Congresswoman Maxine Waters
It is extremely important to realize they aren't just working towards a peaceful government takeover; they are also building connections to the type of groups and individuals that flocked to the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville.

In a related matter, they really hate Congresswoman Maxine Waters with a passion. She is an African American woman that has a long history of fighting for social justice, and she has been outspoken about the need to impeach Trump from day one. Now these white supremacists have dressed up one of their associates in a suit, and they are trying to replace Maxine Waters with him. Gary Walker told a big part of the story in this week's Argonaut:


30 May 2018
It’s no secret that supporters of President Donald Trump would love to be rid of Rep. Maxine Waters (D- Los Angeles), one of the president’s most gleeful antagonists. Perhaps underscoring their aversion for the 14-term incumbent, Trump confidant and political strategist Roger Stone is lending support to one of Waters’ three Republican challengers in Tuesday’s primary election.

Famous (or infamous, depending whom you ask) for his use of opposition research and aggressive campaign tactics, Stone wasted no time flinging mud at Waters while endorsing Torrance small business owner Omar Navarro during a campaign rally in the South Bay last year.

“Omar is the kind of hard-charging young reformer that we need in Congress. He’s an honest man, whereas Maxine Waters may be the single most corrupt members of Congress,” Stone says in a YouTube video published last August. “She’s living high. She’s eating filet mignon while the people in Omar’s district are eating hamburger.” More...
His Tweeter account @RealOmarNavarro is described as "Candidate for Congress running against @MaxineWaters. Endorsed by @RealSheriffJoe @LarryElder @TheHermanCain @GenFlynn @PastorDScott Advisor Roger Stone"

Roger Stone and Omar Navarro at a South Bay campaign rally last year
Roger Stone told the Argonaut, 18 May 2018, “The people of the 43rd [Congressional] District deserve better than poverty pimp Maxine Waters. While her district starves and lives in circumstances reminiscent of a Third World country… she sits pretty in a McMansion.”

Steve Bannon with Omar Navarro
Roger Stone's connections to Donald Trump are so well known that its pretty clear that if Stone is actively working for Navarro, Trump supports his bid too. What's more, former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn visited California on the birthday of Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X {19 May} to endorse Navarro, so it would already appear they are planning to mount a noisy base-building challenge to Maxine Waters. He has no chance of winning.

Gary Walker gave you a part of the picture. The picture below gives you a view of Omar Navarro the Trump cabal would like to hide.

In the video below, when Gionet first sees Omar, he says "Hey, What's up Omar? Hey, what's up? Omar's a little ... I'm not going to blow his cover.  He's a little incognito." 

Allow me to blow his cover.
Omar Navarro joins Anthime Gionet [aka Baked Alaska] and other white nationalists to disrupt a meeting of the Santa Monica Committee for Racial Justice on 6 August 2017.
This picture is from the white nationalist assault on the Santa Monica Committee for Racial Justice last Summer. You can read more about that here: Six days before Charlottesville, the same racists came to Santa Monica

While Omar Navarro was camera shy and stayed in the background, Gionet and others tried to break up the meeting, 6 August 2017.
This picture is from the Baked Alaska livestream of the racists at Charlottesville on the march:

A week later Gionet was speaking to the klansmen and Nazis in Charlottesville, 11 August 2017
The two clips in this YouTube video show Omar Navarro and Gionet chatting at their anti-racial justice action, and then Gionet in the Tiki-touch parade in Charlottesville

The first minute is of Navarro with Gionet, a local So. Cal Alt-Right/White nationalist leader when they tried to crash the meeting of the Santa Monica Committee for Racial Justice on August 6, 2017. The second minute is an establishing shot of Baked Alaska - 5 days later he is leading the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" touch light march, where he spoke the next day.

Syria is the Paris Commune of the 21st Century!

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