Tuesday, August 18, 2020

NOW PROVEN: Wikileaks dump was a diversion from Trump Super Predator revelations

Six days after the famous Access Hollywood tape showed then-candidate Donald Trump bragging that he could “grab 'em by the pussy” was revealed by the Washington Post on 7 October 2016, I wrote a post here that speculated on the coincidence of timing between that revelation, and the release only an hour later of the first of the hacked John Podesta emails by Wikileaks:

Was Wikileaks dump a diversion from Trump Super Predator revelations?

13 October 2016
By Clay Claiborne
I actually wrote the post below several days ago but I didn't publish it because the point it makes, that the first WikiLeaks release of Podesta-Clinton emails on Friday was about an hour after the Trump grope tape was published, was inconclusive. Although that timing can be used to support the claim that WikiLeaks released these emails as a Trump counter measure, it is also possible that it was indeed coincidental, given the rapid pace of developments in this campaign and Wikileak's earlier promise to make new Clinton email releases ahead of the second debate.

But I just heard Donald Trump make the argument at a rally today that turns this timing on its head. He is now claiming that the exposures of Trump as a sexual predator were started in response to the email dump. The timing I document below puts the lie to that. More...
I then went on to document the fact that the Wikileaks email dump happened an hour after the Washington Post released the lewd Trump tape. At the time, I couldn't definitively answer the question I had raised, but did note, “There's an old cop saying: Never believe in coincidence.”
Now, thanks to information revealed in the 1000 word Final Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russian election interference released today, that question can definitely be answered in the affirmative. What it reports show that this was a classic example of the collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence services that Bob Mueller failed to prosecute, and the Republican Party, along with some members of the white Left, continue to deny.

We now have this answer to my October 2016 question in the Final Senate Intelligence Committee report issued today:
(U) At approximately 4 p.m. on October 7, The Washington Post released the Access Hollywood tape.1664 Witnesses involved in Trump's debate preparation recalled that the team first heard of the tape about an hour prior to its public release.1665 According to Jerome Corsi, however, news of the release also made its way to Roger Stone.1666 Corsi and Stone spoke twice that day at length: once at 1:42 p.m. for 18 minutes, and once at 2:18 p.m. for 21 minutes.1667 Corsi recalled learning from Stone that the Access Hollywood tape would be coming out, and that Stone “[w]anted the Podesta stuff to balance the news cycle” either “right then or at least coincident.[my emphasis]1668 According to Corsi, Stone also told him to have WikiLeaks “drop the Podesta emails immediately.”1669

(U) When the tape later became public, Corsi claimed that he was not surprised by the graphic language because he had already heard it.1670 Corsi recalled previewing the Access Hollywood tape with conference call participants during one or two calls that day: a WorldNetDaily staff call at 1 :08 p.m., or a 2 p.m. call involving Total Banking Solutions that included Malloch. 1671 Corsi remembered telling conference participants that the tape was a problem and to contact Assange. 1672 Corsi then “watched all day to see what Assange would do,” and when the Podesta emails were released, he thought to himself that Malloch “had finally got to Assange.”1673
1664 (U) See David A. Farenthold, "Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005," The Washington Post, October 7, 2016 (linking to video).
1665 (U) Bannon Tr., p .. 206. 1666 (U) FBI, FD-302, Corsi 9/21/2018.
1667 (U) In an email to the SCO that he later produced to the Committee, Corsi also stated that he called and spoke to Stone at 11:47 a.m. about the "status of the Wikileaks publication of the Podesta emails and Roger's concern that Assange should start publishing immediately the Podesta emails." See Email, Corsi to Gray, October 2, 2018 (Corsi Production). Corsi's phone records reflect only one minute of call time, suggesting that a conversation, if one occurred, was short. See Corsi Phone Records, October 7, 2016 (Corsi Production).
1668 (U) FBI, FD-302, Corsi 11/1/2018. It is not clear how Stone received news of the tape. Stone's phone records did not reflect any calls that day with the Trump Campaign and only one 18-minute call with a Washington Post number-but, according to the SCO, the records do not, on their face, indicate that the call involved any of the· reporters who broke the Access Hollywood story. See AT&T toll records, Roger Stone/Drake Ventures; sea Report, Vol. I, p .. 59.
1669 (U) FBI, FD-302, Corsi 9/21/2018.
1670 (U) Ibid.
1671 (U) Ibid.; FBI, FD-302, Corsi 11/1/2018.
1672 (U) Ibid. 1673 (U) Ibid.
Ted Malloch is described in the report as “an American author who lived in London and was believed to have contacts with associates of Assange.” Malloch has also been an Infowars contributor. He also had close ties to the British white nationalist Nigel Farage, who is another Putin fanboy.

I made an educated guess in 2016, and I was right. The evidence in this final report shows that there was far more collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin's intelligence services than even that uncovered by the Mueller Report, and that Wikileaks was acting in concert with both to interfere with the US 2016 election. Just saying...

Clay Claiborne

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