Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Will @realDonaldTrump sell

I registered my first Internet domain name,, in 1996, and over the years I have registered or bought many Internet domain names, sometimes on speculation. This morning I got the idea that it would be fun to own Since this wasn't an original idea, I wasn't surprised to find that someone else had beat me to the punch. had already been claimed, although no corresponding website for it exists.

Instead it was parked on Godaddy, where they are offering to negotiate its sale:

It turns out that the domain name is owned by the Trump Organization. The WHOIS database shows they first register it on 17 July 2008, which means Trump's interest in a Moscow Tower goes back over a decade. Five years later, he still kept hope alive, although there still was no website!
Apparently, Trump's dream of a Moscow tower didn't die even after he became president, contrary to all his denials. The domain registration was last updated less than six months ago on 28 June 2018, the same day Trump sent out this tweet:

It doesn't expire until 1 July 2019, assuming it isn't renewed:

I'm seriously thinking of ponying up the seven buck, or better yet, contacting the Trump Organization directly, and making a bid. After all, it isn't being used, and Trump swears he's not interested in a Trump Tower Moscow anymore. If that is the case, might he be willing to part with it?

What say you?

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