Friday, July 8, 2016

Playing the Trump Card: Blame Dallas police murders on #BlackLivesMatter & tie them to #ISIS

While Fox News and other racist right-wing outlets are working overtime to blame the murder of five Dallas cops and the wounding of seven others and two civilians by Micah X Johnson on the Black Lives Matter movement, others are making a fraudulent attempt to link the Black Lives Matter movement to Daesh, also known as the Islamic State. Based upon a single facebook post supposedly by one Mesasuray Franklin headlines like this:

‘Black Lives Matter’ Member Had Reached Out to ISIS

Are appearing like a rash all over the Internet.

Author and lawyer Mike Cernovich has been promoting it big time on Twitter:

Look how many retweets this is getting! This is a big deal. Here's another "conservative" promotion:

In Jookis News
There are many more examples in the pit these come from. Mike Cernovich is publishing a book that leaves little doubt about where he is coming from:
Tweet about book

This is the facebook page that all the hubbub is about:

facebook post
Notice that this Measuray Franklin doesn't speak in the first person, as a member of the Black Lives Matter movement. He doesn't talk about what "we" should do. He speaks in second person, as someone outside of the movement about what "you" should do. This doesn't stop these demigods from declaring him a 'Black Lives Matter member.'

So who is this Measuray Franklin when he is at home, and what is his relationship to the Black Lives Matter movement? A Google search of "Measuray Franklin" & "Black Lives Matter" finds only references to this story, nothing before that:

Google search results
That's your first clue Sherlock. His facebook page says he is a "Business Owner at HDTV Diagnostic Electronics, Studied Aviational/Architectural Engineering at University of Southern California." He has 86 facebook friends. The most recent post on his timeline is dated 15 May 2016 and says "Started School at Pine Bluff High School." Nothing about Black Lives Matter, Daesh, or frankly, anything very political.

Measuray Franklin facebook page
So far, I haven't been able to talk to Measuray Franklin, but I really don't think I have to to know that this story about Black Lives Matter reaching out to ISIS is 100% bull shit, but since just such bullshit is fodder for the feeble mind of the racist, I thought it important to point out the facts on this particular attack on the Black Lives Matter movement.

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