Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dozens Of Anti-War Protesters March Through Hollywood

"Dozens Of Anti-War Protesters March Through Hollywood"

Dozens of anti-war protesters rallied in Hollywood Saturday. Greg Mills reports.

15 Feb 2003 ANSWER said 100,000 protested
the Iraq War in Los Angeles on this day.
So reads the triumphal headline on the CBS Los Angeles website, and as the pictures show, these "anti-war protesters" marched with the flag of the fascist Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad side-by-side with the flag of Veterans for Peace even while the former continues dropping barrel bombs on hospitals, schools and breadlines.

Where the annual Hollywood March anti-war protest once brought out tens of thousands it now commands a handful of die-hard followers of a leadership split between ignoring the plight of the Syrians for four years running and embracing their tormentor.

No attack by the combined forces of the NSA, CIA and FBI could have decimated the anti-war movement as thoroughly as this corrupt "Left" leadership has.

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