Wednesday, November 20, 2013

From Brazil & Palestine ... This is the Syrian Revolution

In this blog post I want to recommend two new films on the Syrian Revolution, both available on YouTube.

The first is From Brazil... This is the Syrian Revolution , a 29 minute video about support for the Syrian revolution that is growing among activists and workers in Brazil. It was produced by a Marxist organization in Brazil and has some very good theoretical presentation by Valério Arcary @ 19:26 and Angel Parras @ 21:26. Most of the documentary is in Portuguese with English subtitles and it was published on 14 November 2013.

The second is Budour Hassan: Palestine and the Syrian Revolution and is the 13 minute presentation that Palestinian activist and writer for the Electronic Intifada Budour Hassan did on the relationship between the Palestinian and Syrian struggles at a teach-in on 17 November 2013.

From Brazil... This is the Syrian Revolution

Documentary Film produced by the Unified Socialist Workers party (PSTU)- the Brazilian section of the International Workers League- Fourth International (IWL-FI), a revolutionary marxist organization. The film documents the campaign of solidarity with the Syrian Revolution that started on November 2012, and is still ongoing.

The campaign of solidarity with the Syrian Revolution was organized by the federation of trade unions and popular movements (CSP-Conlutas)- the main federation in opposition to the Workers Party (PT) in government.

The documentary covers activities of solidarity during the first phase of the campaign (November 2012-February 2013).

Budour Hassan: Palestine and the Syrian Revolution

Budour Hassan presentation to the teach-in "Syria in the Context of the Arab Uprisings". November 17th, 2013.
MENA Solidarity Network - US
[Transcript here]

Click here for a list of my other blogs on Syria

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