Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Writing on the Walls - Messages from the Syrian Revolution to the World

Republished from Syria Freedom Forever, Basel Abdulla has translated the Arabic signs for our English language readers. Note: DAESH stands for the Islam State of Iraq and the Levant, a jhadist group that really is affiliated with al Qaeda. They have shown a distinct tendency to eschew front-line fighting in favour of attempting to enforce sharia law in the liberated areas. As the signs indicate, they are starting to rub people the wrong way.
Messages from Local Coordination Committees to the world / رسائل لجان التنسيق الى العالم

September 20, 2013

Despite the brutality of the Syrian regime and the weakness of the international community the insistence of the Syrians has increased day by day to go in the revolution so they come out in Friday they named “Only Syrians will liberate Syria” to prove that the will of the Syrian people will remain the most powerful weapon in the face of tyranny.

Activists of the committees in  Douma, Zabadani and  Madaya in Damascus Suburbs, Tafas and Mizeireeb in Daraa sent messages that rejected to replace tyranny with another, especially the practices of “the State of Iraq and the Levant,” which it does not differ from the practices of the Syrian regime in repression and suppression of expression freedom, and also they emphasized the legitimacy of the revolution People and proceed with the revolution until victory, refusing  half-solutions which do not satisfy the aspirations of the Syrian people, and whatever the difficulties revolutions can make the impossible becomes real

على الرغم من بطش النظام وتخاذل المجتمع الدولي يؤكد السوريين يوما بعد يوم اصرارهم على المضي في الثورة فقد خرجوا في جمعة ” وحدهم السورييون من سيحرر سوريا “

ليثبتوا أن إرادة الشعب ستبقى هي السلاح الأقوى في مواجهة أي طغيان .وقد وجه نشطاء اللجان في كل من دوما والزبداني ومضايا في ريف دمشق و طفس والمزيريب في درعا رسائل رافضين فيها استبدال استبداد بآخر وخصوصا ممارسات ” دولة العراق والشام” وأنها لا تختلف عن ممارسات النظام السوري في القمع وكبت حرية التعبير ، وأكدوا أيضا على شرعية ثورتهم الشعبية والمضي فيها حتى النصر رافضين أنصاف الحلول التي لا ترضي
تطلعات الشعب ،و مهما بلغت الصعاب فالثورات بإمكانها صنع المستحيل

from left to right : We did not revolute against tyrant under reluctance name, for another tyrant to come under religion name DAESH go away – Only Syrians who will liberate Syria – Reformist deals with available options, revolutionist deals with impossible to make it reality ,this is our revolution.

We did not revolt against tyrant under reluctance name, for another tyrant to come under religion name DAESH go away - Reformist deals with available options, revolutionist deals with impossible to make it reality, this is our revolution.

Only Syrians who will liberate Syria.

(Wall): Assad Regime is absolute evil, DAESH frees it`s hand and we who will cut this hand.

In public revolutions, there are no half-solution. Only revolution wins..

Reformist deals with available options, revolutionist deals with impossible to make it reality ,this is our revolution.

We did not revolt against tyrant under reluctance name, for another tyrant to come under religion name DAESH go away

public revolutions, there are no half-solution. Only revolution wins – Douma 20/9/2013

deals with available options, revolutionist deals with impossible to make it reality, this is our revolution – Douma 20/9/2013

We did not revolt against tyrant under reluctance name, for another tyrant to come under religion name DAESH go away – Douma 20/9/2013

Assad Regime is absolute evil, DAESH frees it`s hand and we who will cut this hand.- Douma 20/9/2013.

Up : We did not revolt against tyrant under reluctance name, for another tyrant to come under religion name DAESH go away – Right : In public revolutions, there are no half-solution. Only revolution wins- Bottom : Assad Regime is absolute evil, DAESH frees it`s hand and we who will cut this hand.
 Wall : Who was not part of revolution will have freedom , but would not have dignity – Man Sign : did not revolt against tyrant under reluctance name, for another tyrant to come under religion name DAESH go away.

Wall : Revolution is sacrifice not a profit – Man Sign : public revolutions, there are no half-solution. Only revolution wins.

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