Monday, November 26, 2012

On Mummar Qaddafi, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam

I was looking for a link to use as reference in the main diary I am publishing today, Bani Walid Revisited, when i came across this, which is the best description I have seen yet of the relationship between the Qaddafi regime in Libya and the Nation of Islam in the US, and apparently from an insider that is proud of that relationship.

This material is too important to ignore, so I figured rather than burden the Bani Walid piece with a long, off topic quote, I would just publish it in another diary that I can then link to.

Besides this material has great standalone value.

One can only speculate on how Black politics in the United States might be different but for Mummar Qaddafi's selective financing of certain forces.

From Louis Farrakhan and Qaddafi: The Ties of a Brotherly Relationship by Fahim A. Knight-E, 30 October 2012
I have always respected President Qaddafi back in the early 1970s (1972 or 1973) he extended Libyan financial assistance to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. Some of the Arab States have always questioned the Islamic religious legitimacy of the Nation of Islam's theology and withheld their support to the Lost-Found Nation of Islam here in the west. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad needed help and Qaddafi and Libyan Government extended a 3 million dollar loan to assist Mr. Muhammad. The Nation of Islam used this seed money to purchase the Greek Orthodox Church (now reconverted by Minister Louis Farrakhan and known as Mosque Maryam which is located 7351 South Stony Island Avenue in which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad converted to Muhammad's Temple #2, the Flagship mosque of the Nation of Islam and presently serves as the national headquarters). Thus, Qaddafi extended his generosity even further when it was time to repay the debt/loan he and Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, for gave the debt and the loan became a financial gift to the Black Muslims. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had always held high praises for Brother Qaddafi and he was considered in deed a friend to the former slaves in North America.

This writer can remember back in the early 1980s Minister Louis Farrakhan was still in the early rebuilding stages of the Nation of Islam which was totally destroyed by Elijah Muhammad's late son Wallace D. Muhammad (Imam Warith Deen Mohammed) who so-called transitioned the Nation of Islam into mainstream Islam and towards Sunni Islam; I have always believed that he was a CIA and FBI agent who was systematically used to dismantle perhaps one of the most successful organization in the history of black America next to the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) that was Founded by Marcus Garvey in 1914. Farrakhan reached out to Muammar Qaddafi for financial help during his early mission. Minister Louis Farrakhan was a well international traveler as the National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam who had made trips to Africa, Middle East, Caribbean, etc. However, there was one trip that sticks out in my mind, perhaps it was in 1985 or 1986 in which Minister Farrakhan and his delegation was desiring to tour Libya and West Africa in which I think on the first leg of the tour he was supposed to have made a public speech in London to the Black Britons, but British authorities actually arrested/detained him at Heathrow Airport along with his sons and I believe along with a couple of his aids (this action led to the United Kingdom passing a resolution to denounce Minister Farrakhan as an anti-Semite and banned him from the United Kingdom for almost 20 years—I think within the last few years the U.K. lifted the travel ban on Farrakhan) British authorities did not allow him and his delegation to enter the United Kingdom.

Minister Louis Farrakhan was scheduled to speak in Lagos, Nigeria, but the British and United States Intelligence (CIA) had contacted Nigerian governmental officials mandating them to cancel Minister Farrakhan's scheduled speech and venue; although, the Nation of Islam officials had secured a huge soccer field where thousands of Nigerians were lined up anticipating Farrakhan's speech on that hot summer day. Dr. Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad (he made tremendous sacrifices for the Program) and others were on the ground level working out the logistics for Minister Farrakhan to speak in Lagos. However, the Nigerian Government had acquiesced to the dictates of their British colonial masters and Minister Farrakhan was prohibited from entering Nigeria and arm soldiers turned thousands of citizens away who were anticipating on hearing the black American leader. Minister Farrakhan was forced to fly to Accra, Ghana where even a bit of suspiciousness surrounded him and his delegation as they flew into Accra, but Flight Lieutenant President Jerry J. Rawlings allowed Farrakhan into Ghana (this relationship became second to Qaddafi and Libya as one of the most important international ties—Nation of Islam even held their first international Saviour's Day Convention in 1994 in Accra) and provided him with different speaking venues in Ghana in which the Nation of Islam spent 13 days in Ghana where he overwhelmingly won the confidence of President Rawlings and the Ghanaian people.

Minister Farrakhan traveled to Libya on this trip and Muammar Qaddafi has always extended love and solidarity to the Black Muslims of America (Qaddafi has always treated Minister Farrakhan as a head of state). Minister Farrakhan and his delegation also made Hajj to Mecca in fulfillment of the fifth Pillar of Islam (should not the Hajj fulfillment silence his critics relative to whether or not if he is a 'true' Muslim). Minister Farrakhan during the early 1980s embarked on tapping into the millions of dollars industry of black health care products and beauty products—cosmetic line which were being consumed by black consumers. He became the face and image of an idea that the entrepreneur Bill Wellington and Wellington group out of Philadelphia had established and introduced Louis Farrakhan to the idea. The concept initially was named People Organized and Working For Economic Rebirth (P.O.W.E.R) at Last and for ever. Minister Farrakhan being the gifted orator that he is traveled throughout America during the early 1980s promoting the P.O.W.E.R concept and trying to get African Americans to buy into the concept of purchasing black health care products from themselves or POWER. The relationship between the Wellington Group and the Nation of Islam eventually came to an end. But I think Minister Farrakhan still believed that the health care and beauty concept had economic validity. Minister Farrakhan culminated the POWER speeches on October 7, 1985 where over 35,000 black people packed Madison Square Garden and the Felt Forum to hear his POWER at last and forever speech.

Minister Abdul Akbar Muhammad (Larry 4X Prescott) who served as the international representative of the Nation of Islam had traveled throughout North Africa and all of Africa building diplomatic relationships for Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. But no relationship would prove more valuable than the one he forged with Tripoli and the Libyan Government. Minister Farrakhan in 1985 via satellite broadcast Muammar Qaddafi as one of the keynote speakers at the annual Saviour's Day Convention held in Chicago given in honor of the Nation of Islam's founder Master Wali Fard Muhammad. I was invited by Minister Ray Muhammad, the former minister of Muhammad's Mosque #34 in Durham, North Carolina and I flew to Chicago to hear Colonel Muammar Qaddafi address the Saviour's Day Convention in a broken English dialect and what I remembered about Qaddafi's speech on that day was that he cited there were over four hundred thousand black United States arm forces members in service and encouraged them to quit the arm forces (the white man's military) and get behind the Nation of Islam and Minister Farrakhan in which he would train and arm them. But Minister Farrakhan immediately rejected Qaddafi's offer in which Chicago-Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune, in particular writer Clarence Page lambasted Qaddafi and demanded that Farrakhan repudiate such unpatriotic words made by Colonel Muammar Qaddafi.

Minister Farrakhan thanked Qaddafi, but was not interested in arming black America, but he needed Qaddaff's help in another way. Qaddafi and the Libyan Government became the principle financiers of what eventually became the Clean-N-Fresh products (a beauty and cosmetic line) and manufactured and distributed by the Nation of Islam. The legendary George Johnson (owner of Johnson's Products) initially agreed to manufacture Farrakhan's cosmetic line. Qaddafi and the Libyan Government gave the Nation of Islam a five million dollar interest free loan. Thus, part of the money helped finance the Salaam Restaurant billed as a fine dining eatery on the Southside of Chicago; the edifice was exquisitely designed in which one of Minister Farrakhan's daughters played a huge role. Let me be quite honest with my readers about my opinion—the Nation of Islam leadership made some very poor business decisions and squandered away many business opportunities to make the Nation of Islam (which is really 40-50 so-called American Negroes self-sufficient) and quasi independent.

Elijah Muhammad only had a third or fourth grade education, but no black leader other than Garvey who preached day and night the importance of doing for-self was more successful than the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Mr. Muhammad left the Nation of Islam with a proven template of economic success and as I traveled throughout black America, I do not see the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's program—I have come in contact with many groups and organizations (and ego-driven NOI sect leaders and ministers) claiming to be the heir apparent to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad theology and program.

Muammar Qaddafi transferred 5 million dollars over to the Nation of Islam and Minister Farrakhan in which he had difficulty getting a black bank to receive this lofty deposit of 5 million from the Libyan Government; some of the United States black banks did not desire to be associated with Farrakhan (the alleged anti-Semite) and Qaddafi (allege strongman and dictator stigma) because of the false anti-Semitism charges that were waged by a sector of Zionist Jews against the Nation of Islam and Minister Louis Farrakhan, it frighten many of the so-called black intelligencer away from helping the Nation of Islam leader. It was a conglomerate of negative propaganda and disinformation that had influenced how they were going to treat the Nation of Islam leader and this money from Qaddafi being transferred to Nation of Islam. Although, the United States Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control had approved of the international aid coming to the Nation of Islam from the Libyan Government (the U.S. Government initially wanted Minister Farrakhan to register as a foreign agent for Libya)—these 'Negroes' were running scared.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Malcolm X, also were accused of being anti-Semitic and Minister Farrakhan during the early 1980s had this volatile and contentious relationship with American Jews (let me again make a distinguish Zionist Jews)—which manifested itself during Reverend Jesse Jackson's 1984 bid to become president of the United States of America (the Zionist had labeled the good Reverend as an anti-Semite because of his "Hymietown" slur). These Negroes were so afraid that even George Johnson and Johnson's Product Company who had agreed to manufacture Farrakhan's cosmetic and body line products backed out of the agreement and reneged when it was made public who Farrakhan's financier was in which many in the black community believed that it was Zionist influences and pressure who covertly put the squeezed on Mr. Johnson to rescind his agreement with the Nation of Islam, which to manufacture the POWER Products and even the black banks did not want the Libyan Government gift in their banks because of being fearful of Zionist reprisals (this was a despicable and sad moment in the history of Black/Jewish relationship). These ‘Negroes’ were continually running for cover and eventually the POWER movement and/or the Clean-N- Fresh products line was derailed and the full economic potential would never be known. More...

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