Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"The horror, The horror..." Honor's Navy Video- Updated

The Navy to Investigate Commander's Vulgar Videos. That has headlined yesterday's news. From what I've heard, all this video really shows is that Capt. Owen Honors is probably an alright guy and the sailor aren't uptight about gays at all. When are they going to investigate the commander behind Collateral Murder or any number of similar such incidents such as the ones in this video?

I am reminded again of the last sentence uttered by Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now:
"They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders
won't allow them to write fuck on their airplanes because it's obscene! "

Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, we can finally see what all the fuss is about. Strong material, but you already know to expect that. This is some really funny stuff, and you will see that the so-called gay bashing is anything but. No wonder they didn't want to bring this up before they repealed DADT.

UPDATE: More Video ...

More Update: Now, thanks to Military Times we can view the un-edited versions of these videos. If you haven't seen these and are basing your opinion on what you have seen so far, then you really must view these because you will discover that they have been heavily edited and not just for profanity. They have been edit by the paper to give a false picture. It makes you wonder why this is being played now. I did notice that in the videos Capt. Honors sounded less than enthusiastic about the war. Could that be the real reason he is being re-leaved of command.

XO movie night

Warning: These videos are unedited and contain mature content.

XO Movie Night I

XO Movie Night II

XO Movie Night III

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